Come check out the website created for you, MONTEREYVILLAS.ORG, the residents of the Monterey Villas. You will find announcements, contact forms, phone numbers, amenity hours and rules, as well as recaps from our monthly meetings.
Feel free to browse the site and if you don't see something that you think should be included, please to not hesitate to contact us!
Enjoy getting to know your neighbors and using the free resources available here. Register and you can get on the forums and chat, post your classified ads for free, share your favorite photos from the area, keep track of events coming up in your community, and much more. Bookmark it and use it often. The more you use the website, the better it will be.
Only registered members can access all the functions of the site, to become a member all you need to do is fill out and submit the Website Access Request Form. Your privacy is important to use, which is why we require an active email address in order to create an account for each and every user.
- Adding photos to the neighborhood photo gallery
- Participate in the many discussion and information forums
- Advertise events using the Neighborhood Calendar
- Whatever your interest, you're sure to find a neighbor interested as well.