Recent Comments

Friday, April 11, 2008


This is in reference to a recent comment on a post entitled Here's a Long Shot:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the two tennis courts, one of the reasons I bought here is because of the 2 tennis courts. I have been playing tennis for 20 years and still loving it. I disagree putting a basket ball court next to a tennis court since tennis requires quietness for concentration. Besides. the two tennis courts looks really nice the way it is architecturally and they have been resurfaced recently by the builder. Other communities in Irvine have more than 2 tennis courts and they get used all the times. I play on these two courts 3 times a week. The tennis courts need some maintenances like trimming the trees away from the courts so the leaves wont fall on the courts. We need 4 chairs/ one trash can, one squeegee, a broom, a water fountain and a net trap.

I guess I never thought about it needing to be quiet to play tennis but I see your concerns. My general thought behind it was that it would be nice to have an extra amenity on our facility and one that would be used. I was pleased to see that some homeowners gave this idea voice at one of the recent meetings. Like a lot of post I write it was a mere suggestion.
Well maybe an alternative can be derived from this. What if we converted the volleyball court from a "Giant Litter Box" to a basketball court. I don't think we'd be able to fit a full court in its place but a nice half-court would be great. Has anyone every seen or used the volleyball court? How would you feel about this conversion? Those who live near the volleyball court, is this a thumbs up or thumbs down idea?


Anonymous said...

Thumbs down to the Basketball Court!!! will be too noisy for those who live near the volleyball court...

Ben Dayhoe said...

There are some pretty decent full courts at Portola Park off Santa Clara if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

As someone who lives adjacent to the volleyball court I'd prefer if there were not a basketball court in its place. However, I'm not crazy about the volleyball court either and I've never used it or seen it being used except perhaps as a sandbox by some children within our community.

I agree that this is some under-utilized space that could perhaps be put to better use, but I'm not sure of what that use could be. Here are some brainstorms that may or may not be feasible:

--Picnic area with shade structure and tables and gas hookups for folks that have barbecues?
--"outdoor living room" with a fireplace or firepit and landscaped seating areas
--A building housing storage units spaces that the association could rent out to raise money for big budget capital expenditures and/or due reductions
--A building housing a coffee shop/cafe and wireless Internet access. Space could be leased to a 3rd party or run by the association.
--Business center

Just some thoughts!

Cyrus said...

I think those ideas are awesome Pumkin, I love the outdoor living room idea; and since you brought up the idea of a coffee shop. How about renting out the office space in the clubhouse for something like that?

Anonymous said...

that could possibly work too - and/or some of that space could be remodeled to be a business center. It'd be important to control access to the room so computers aren't stolen/vandalized,

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why the Tennis Court lights do not work? Were in the heat of summer with the best opportunity to play tennis and those freakin lights do NOT come on!

Anonymous said...

David - have you reported the non-working lights to Beacon? Now that Charity is gone they may be more responsive.