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Friday, May 2, 2008


Has anyone heard from Charity in the last couple days? According to e-mails which I received this morning no one has been able to contact Charity. I'm sure this doesn't come to any big surprise being that this has become common practice here at the Monterey Villas. I know that we only have till November to deal with the converters, but how much longer do we have to deal with Charity, and Beacon Property Management? I'm pretty reasonable when it comes to giving someone the benefit of the doubt but this instance has surpassed that.

Charity, its obvious that you are overworked and don't have time for us, be straight up with us, yourself and your company and just say it; you can not manage our property. No had feelings, just stop dicking us around already. It may just be a job to you but this is our home. Believe me you're not the only person that works hard and gets stressed out. I'm sure that 80% of the people who live here have to deal with more shit and stress at work than you do. I'm not sure how often you read this blog, or if one of your puppets will send this to you but I'm sure you'll just roll your eyes like you do at our meetings. I'm sure anyone who's ever been in attendance at the meetings knows the look I'm talking about.

Feels much better now that I got that out. Time for a Cerveza hope to have some more manana.


Unknown said...

I totally understand. I hate to be the devils advocate, but I emailed charity wednesday night, and she got back to me the same day. It was regarding the parked car by bldg M. I had her forward the email to Adam, since I don't know his email address. I have yet to hear from Adam though.

I'm not sure if Charity has been unreachable past Wed.

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry I was bit slow in responding. I was crazy busy this week at work. The covered car has now been tagged. If it is still there on Monday evening, it can be towed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting the notice out there Cyrus, I just don't know what to do anymore. The camera company is ready to go with the project yet they haven't heard from Charity in the last 3 days. I tried to contact her as well, there's lights out, phone lines being tampered with and more cars being broken into; and I'm not the only one as you can see from the emails.

I think I last had contact with her on Wed. as well but she, or someone from Beacon Property should be able to help us out on a 24/7 basis, isn't that what a property management company is for?

The covered car belongs to John, the old handyman, I'm not sure why it's still here but I'm glad you posted a sign. Oh by the way I think you might need to get different notices because those stickers can cause damage to vehicles if the window is rolled down with the sticker on it. I would recommend getting a warning that looks like a ticket and sits under the windshield wipers.

Unknown said...

I noticed the sticker on the car today. Thanks for following up on this Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sara? you need to step in and do something about Charity not responding to e-mails or phone calls or give us your recommendations.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm new to the area. Who should I contact in regards to a truck in an uncovered spot by R? It's been there for over a week. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...


Please remember this blog is not endorse by the HOA. Report the truck, description, color,model & license plate to Beacon Property Management, who can then forward the information to me, I'll check it out & be sure the vehicle is tagged for a tow if warranted.

Cyrus said...

firefly was just asking for some direction, I don't really think that the endorsement reminder was necessary but if you feel like repeating that every time be my guest. firefly I would suggest that you post the information here first because Adam will see it the next time he checks the blog, if you just give the information to Charity it might get to him sometime next year, unless Adam has a hell of a lot better luck than everyone else when it comes to contacting Charity.

Anonymous said...

footballrules -
my apologies. I do realize that this blog is not endorsed by the HOA. As Cyrus said, I was just trying to get some guidance as to how I should proceed. Also, I thought I would mention it here first, in case that truck, in fact, does move, but just happens to get the same spot every day. Especially as a new resident, I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble who shouldn't be in it, like, if they are legitimately parking in the same spot everyday.

Cyrus -
In terms of posting the info here, it's an older GMC truck that is orange with white "flames" on the sides. It's got a license plate holder that says "Gun Control - DON'T SHOOT". "60 991 P". It's right in front of R. I have pictures if necessary.

But again, I'd like to reiterate that I am not intentionally trying to get this person in trouble. If they've received permission to have their vehicle parked there, then okay. That's fine. With all the recent parking discussion, I thought that this would be applicable.

But really, my apologies if I went about this the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tried a different approach with Charity?

For instance, instead of being rude and aggressive, try being nice. I have dealth with her a few times and have gotten what I needed, done.

I've been to meetings and have seen how people treat her. Charity did NOT kill your mom or your dog. Obviously, being witchy is not working. So, try being nice for change.

You'd be amazed how effective respect and kindness is.

Anonymous said...

to tennis esq,
Are you sure you are a homeowner here at M.Villas? Are you sure you talking about the same Charity we all know, who rolls up her eyes in the meetings when we are adreesing our issues and concerns and who never returns emails or phome calls.
I sure would like to meet your Charity.