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Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Meeting Recap!

Wednesday Night's meeting was the most productive meeting to date, and the attendance, 27 residents, reflected it. I made it just in time to catch the committee reports and here is a summary of what was talked about:

Committee Reports-
Adam spoke on behalf of the Architectural Committee and had some big news, he told us that the permit parking proposal along with some corresponding amendments to the CC&R's had been completed and would be submitted to the board. The proposal and amendments would be sent to all homeowners to review and an implementation date would be selected to start permit parking enforcement. The board approved the measure, and it was decided that the paperwork would be distributed with our next bill, so look for it soon. I'm not sure if the permits would also be sent with the letter but I'm sure they are soon to follow. Hopefully Adam or someone on the Architectural Committee could further elaborate on this matter.*UPDATE*Permits will not be sent with the proposed rule change. To get a permit homeowners will have to apply for one. Only homeowners with two vehicles need apply. Registrations must match the address here. Applications will be accepted on site on the weekends of April 19 & 26 near the club house between the hours of 11am & 1:30pm. Permits will be distributed on a first come first serve basis as there are only 109 free spaces, no sense in issuing more permits than there is room for.*UPDATE*

Adriana spoke on behalf of the Social Committee and informed us that the social committee would like to host a Cinco de Mayo party for the entire complex on Saturday May 3rd. The event was described as a way to unite the residents and enjoy a good time through music, games, and great food. In order to host the party the social committee was requesting $1,000.00 from the board. The board was hesitant to let the money go but through the strength in numbers, and comments, the residents were able to persuade the board members to allow the funds for the party. Judging from the Winter party we had, I'm sure the Cinco de Mayo party is sure to make a positive impact. The event has been listed as B.Y.O.B!

Charity spoke on behalf of the Landscape Committee and started brining in the Landscaping Contract into the conversation and it got a little confusing. But what I got from it was this; several walk-throughs have been conducted to determine current lighting and landscape issues. These issues will be targeted with upcoming vendor visits. Please direct any outside lighting or landscape issue to either Charity or Saul. The rocks under the stairways were briefly mentioned but I wasn't able to distinguish what was said about them, could someone clarify on that matter.*UPDATE* the committee will have to find a different style, when the original order was to be placed the vendor raised the price by $12,000.00 over what was agreed and the board refused to pay that much, so there will be a delay in getting the rocks under the stairs.*UPDATE*

Joe spoke on behalf of the Safety Committee and told us that the garage conversion idea had been thoroughly researched over the last month. As a result, it seems that although it is possible it doesn't appear to be probable. This is due to the overwhelming cost and lack of space which we would be left with if we did pursue this route. You can read more in-depth on this by reading the previous update the Safety Committee presented to us or click here. Those in attendance appeared to be satisfied with the research and results that he presented. As an alternative Joe suggested that we pursue security cameras as an immediate attempt to minimize our current vandalism situation, but also further research the possibility of adding gates to our facility. In reference to the security cameras, the board agreed to have one vendor do a presentation at the next association meeting.

Agenda Items
Landscape Contract-
Our current landscaper is requesting an $800.00 per month increase in pay. The board is offering a $400.00 increase but will not give them anything more.

Laundry Contract-
The board researched whether to seek legal action against Coin Mach but found that it would be too expensive to pursue. As an alternative Charity is requesting that a representative from Coin Mach attend our next Meeting to achieve a compromise for our problem. All residents are encouraged to present their laundry woes and wishes to the Coin Mach Rep.

Tree Trimming-
Trimming will start on April 10th, and will cover the entire facility.

Pest Control Contract-
There hasn't been anymore pest problems reported to Charity, so it looks like this issue has been resolved if you have a problem please let us know.

Fire Extinguisher Service-
A residential request to have the fire extinguisher replaced was denied, hopefully we never need to use them as a malfunction could result in a serious lawsuit.

Tennis Court Wind Screen Replacement-
A residential request to replace the torn wind screen was denied but the board agreed to look into having the screen repaired. Residential Tennis players attending the meeting to motion to have the actual game net be replaced, I'm not what was decided on this matter. *UPDATE* The tennis nets/ windscreens will be repaired not necessarily replaced.*UPDATE*

Janitorial Contract-
Filmore services, aka Maria, has asked for a $200.00 per month increase in pay. The board was skeptical on granting her this amount until we all heard how much work she does for us. Upon hearing her job duties the board did grant her the pay increase. One of Maria's concerns was who picks up the dog poop which is left behind by the pet owners. The answer is THE PET OWNERS. IF YOUR DOG POOPS OUTSIDE PICK IT UP!!! No one should, as a job duty, should have to pick up after your dog. OWNERS CAUGHT NOT PICKING UP AFTER THEIR DOGS WILL BE FINED!!!

Talk started about us being over budget, and needing a revised budget for the next fiscal year; with this talk came a proposal to form a Budget Committee. The board approved the formation and four residents, (Sarah, Emilo, Gerald, Tom), volunteered to be on the Committee and develop a new budget by months end. Good Luck, and Thank You! This is much needed and overdue.

Homeowner Presentation
Here is a quick summary of what homeowners had to say:

  1. Security Company
    • The purpose and success rate of our "Security Guard" was questioned and the phone number for Securitas Inc. was requested. The number I found was 714-705-1530. If anyone has another number please post it.
  2. Save on Property Taxes, Posted Yesterday
  3. Clubhouse Usage
    • A request to have the clubhouse open for general use when not reserved was requested.
  4. Notification Signs
    • Request to have signs posted on dumpster and the near the pool were requested. The signs would read "Private Property..." and "Animals not allowed in the Pool."
  5. BBQ's
    • A request to have the CC&R's amended to allow the use of propane BBQ's on balconies and porches.
  6. Termites
    • If you have any termite issues call Charity ASAP as this is still covered by the converter.
  7. Pet Owner Provisions
    • According to the CC&R's, Pet owners are not allowed to leave pets unattended on balconies and porches. Don't be surprised to see a fine in the mail, or a visit from Santa Ana P.D. if you violate this. Hint Hint: white dog owner in "P" building.
The next association meeting will be held on April 16th, at 7pm.


goangels said...

I don't think that is the best way to distribute the permits. I think every unit should get the same amount. People have life changes. When I moved in I was single. Then I got married and my wife moved in. So if this would have happened before she moved in I guess she would be parkiong in the street everyday no matter what. So I think there is good reason for giving more than 109. It should just be understodd that the pass does not guarentee a spot every night.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you goangles, that is why I am going to object the current proposal due to that same reason, but that means that you should to. The only way we are going to get that policy changed is by a majority vote.

Anonymous said...

Add one more to the list of people who think this policy sucks. My girlfriend lives with me but her car is registered to her parents. So I can't even get a 2nd pass? Doesn't sound right to me.