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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More Action Needs To Be Taken!

This is a direct comment from user "Blueprint", it is a prime example why action needs to taken immediately. I know there are other stories out there, please bring them to the association meeting tomorrow night @7pm. THE BOARD, MADE OF CONVERTERS ISN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING FOR US....LET US RESIDENTS SHOW OUR STRENGTH IN NUMBERS.

I am having a problem with the parking spot next to mine -- no one owns this parking space because the unit it belongs to is still vacant. However, one of our neighbors regularly use this spot for visitors/outsiders who doesn't have respect for property. I had an encounter with a group of teenagers once because I caught them drinking beer and leaning on my car around 11:00 p.m. at night. The next day, I saw that my car's been keyed badly. After that, my car's been dented twice. Until this day, I still see different cars park in that spot but it seems like the visitors were from that one neighbor only.

My suggestion is to give each household 2 detachable parking permits. One that has our parking spot number, and the other one for guest parking.

This serves 2 purposes: First, we can avoid outsiders from parking in covered stalls that are non-owned. Second, the detachable parking permit that has a printed parking spot number can be our identification with the towing company should someone else use our space.

I want to emphasize the word "detachable" because my sister and I take turns in using our parking space. Certain days I park in our designated parking spot, and some days she is scheduled to use it instead.


Anonymous said...

What can be done about dogs barking all night long? The person who lives in P building has a white dog who barks all freaking night. How do they expect us to sleep! They aren't even home at night the majority of the time.Why even own a dog if you can't give it attention it needs and on top of that live on the 2nd floor of a condo building! This is really a problem and something needs to be done because this is going on 2 months too long.

Cyrus said...

OMG I know what dog you're talking about. I see it there everyday when I get home. So Lonely, I don't live close enough to hear it bark though. I'm going to post an article from the register about this. Since you hear it I highly recommend that you report it. I would also recommend that you take this issue to the association meeting tonight.

Anonymous said...

I can't make it to the meeting tonight, how can I make a complaint? I am glad to hear you don't hear the poor dog.

Cyrus said...

I'm sure an e-mail to Charity wouldn't hurt, but I'm not sure there is much she could do. The owner probably doesn't even notice it but I'm sure a visit from good old Santa Ana P.D. would change that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info and your fast response!!! I will do that and I do have the Santa Ana P.D number handy.

Unknown said...

I'd be willing to back up your complaint. I'm right across the parking lot from that barking dog. It doesn't keep me up all night, but during the day it sure is annoying.

Cyrus said...

I feel bad for the dog, it's as if the dog is barking, "Help, get me out of here!"

Anonymous said...

there are 2 white barking dogs in building P lower level unit. This woman drops it off every morning. by 8am....its non stop barking....once the two white dogs start barking...all the other dogs nearby start to bark also.