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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Februrary Association Meeting Recap

Last nights meeting went fairly well, I apologize for not having our finances because I got to the meeting a couple minutes late, but I did hear Charity say that we made over $2,000 in investments for last month. She also mentioned the blog and said that it is not endorsed by the association. Lets get this straight, I'm not looking for the association to endorse this blog, I started it as a way of communication between residents. Charity then went over service contracts that needed to be discussed.

Some of the contracts that were discussed were landscaping, tree trimming, lighting, cleaning, and the all important laundry service. It was difficult to understand whether or not the board approved the landscaping, tree trimming, and cleaning contracts or if they were going to be negotiated a little more. The lighting contract was approved so we should have our lighting inspected and fixed on a monthly basis. The laundry contract was a personal concern of mine and I'm sad to say that we still have to deal with our current provider, Coin Mach. Before you get upset please understand that this is not the board's fault. When Charity told Coin Mach that we would be terminating service with them they told her we are bound by contract with them for another 2 years. The board is considering taking legal action against Coin Mach due to their failure to maintain and service the machines at Monterey Villas in a timely manner. The board will review the cost of legal aid and determine if it would be in our best interest to terminate Coin Mach's contract or modify it.

After the contracts were discussed each committee gave a summary as to progress they've made over the last month and what they hoped to see in the coming month.

Adam spoke on behalf of the Architectural Committee. He gave us information about the approved window replacer, Sierra Window Concepts and that they have received applications for satellite dishes and windows. He also informed us that they will be sending out resident specific violation notices. Violations would cover satellite dishes, BBQ's, and more. The parking permit situation is still in the works.

Adriana spoke on behalf of the Social Committee and said that they are meeting next Tuesday at 7pm to discuss the establishment of activities for our residents such as: sport tournaments and parties. Which I believe is a great idea.

Joe spoke on behalf of the Safety Committee and told us that the safety committee has been very proactive over the past month trying to get bids in for security cameras. They were able to obtain the bids and they were submitted to the board. He also passed around a map with the possible placement of the cameras. I will try to obtain the map and post it here. The safety committee is also trying to establish stats of the crimes in our community, and I spoke to Joe about possible collaborating to help them.

After the committees spoke the floor was open for community discussion. Community discussion began in an organized fashion but quickly got out of hand with interruptions and outbursts. I'll list and give a brief summary of the concerns and ideas that were brought to the table:

  1. Termites in the Carports
    • A termite inspection is needed for the carports and facility in general
  2. Moldy Units
    • Mold in the units is caused by the paint the converters used. To eliminate the mold you need to clean it first by using a industrial strength mold remover and then paint over it with semi-gloss paint. I feel like the converter should eat this cost but that's just my opinion.
  3. The Poop Shoot Balcony
    • Interesting title huh, there was a resident who asked for the boards' help with a neighbor complaint. Apparently there is an upstairs resident who has a dog that pees and poops on the balcony and it falls through the floorboards onto the downstairs neighbors' porch. If that's not enough the upstairs resident then hoses down their balcony creating an even more disgusting and not to mention unhealthy seen downstairs. We had the unpleasant pleasure of viewing images from this situation. The board agree that action needs to be taken and is going to set up a hearing with both parties. If that does not work we could see a CIVIL LAWSUIT between the parties.
  4. Carport to Garage Conversion
    • A resident suggested that the board look into building Garages. This was brought on by the constant vehicle thefts which have taken place over the 18 months. The safety committee volunteered to take on the task of meeting with a vendor to discuss the possibility and cost of the project and we hope to hear the results at our next meeting.
  5. Take Your Trash to the Dumpsters
    • Resident and janitorial service provider Maria asked that residents not dump their household garbage into the trash cans along the walkways.
  6. Broken Washing Machines
    • Be advised that the janitorial service is not responsible for the washers and dryers, if they are broken post it here or contact Coin Mach or Charity.
  7. Parking Permits
    • As Adam stated earlier the parking procedure is still not concrete and are still being discussed.


Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with converting the car ports to a garage, my car has been keyed twice in last 3 months. First time it was parked in a guest parking and was keyed on all four doors, the second time I parked in my car port and was keyed on the two doors on the right.

We need to protect the residents property. I is unacceptable and feel unsafe to leave my vehicle outside.

Anonymous said...

A garage conversion is a personally goal of mine also. It increases the value of the properties overall and protects our cars. My car has been broken into three times in the past 18 months. I'm getting really sick of paying a deductible and am expecting my insurance to increase quite dramatically when it renews next month. I've likely already spent what it would cost to build a garage in deductibles. Safety cameras are great but they don't prevent vandalism. Garages prevent it. Once you stop the climate of vandalism it will stop permanently. We need to change the reputation Monterey Villas/Cabrillo Palms has of being an easy target.

Cyrus said...

I agree, hopefully the safety committee will let us know asap if the conversion is a possibility.

Unknown said...

FYI - Paint doesn't cause mold, moisture does. Take everything that the converter tells you about mold with a grain of salt. I should have a pretty interesting story about mold in a few weeks.

Cyrus said...

Good to know Gman,
Let us hear your story when you have it.

Anonymous said...

Just to keep everyone up to date, I've contacted a couple different contractors about the garages and hope to meet with them within a next week or so.

swimbetty said...

1 Washing Machine broken and 6 Dryers not working at the Laundry area by the pool and mail boxes. Sigh! When is this going to end???


goangels said...

I submitted an email complaint to coinmach and also let them know that I will be submitting a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. If they are holding us hostage on a contract I am going to be bugging them regularly. This just is not acceptable.